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Reddit AMA

Can anything be done about the direct link between nicotine and cardiovascular problems like hypertension?

Nicotine has acute effects in raising heart rate and BP by virtue of the fact that it’s a catecholamine stimulant. However, in regular nicotine users, it’s not associated with higher BP in most epidemiological studies (measurement of BP is usually ma

What has it been like to try and expand an industry that 5 years ago was nearly obsolete/looked down upon?

Cigarettes still kill nearly 500,000 people per year in the US, and that hasn’t really changed over the last few decades. To put that in perspective, 70,000 people per year in the US died during the peak of the opioid epidemic, and about 40,000 peopl

Where do you see the nicotine industry going in the future with all that is happening?

We have two guiding principles when it comes to product development. We generally think that consumers will move away from inhaled products and whole tobacco leaf products, so that's where we're steering our company. On the COVID data, it's still ear